Thursday, April 22, 2010

Could you live in an 8x8 Apartment?...inclusive of kitchen, bathroom, bedroom

I came to Paris thinking that it wouldn't be too hard to find a decent appartment in a decent neighbourhood for a 'decent' price.....not quite so easy! I was nearly in tears thinking i'd never find somewhere decent to get settled into complicated by the fact that my high school wasn't making any effort in the matter! It was the Lords grace that saved me, because a friend of mine who I met at a conference years before offered me temporary at least I had something temporary I thought...and I'll keep one point I was offered an 8x8m apartment complete with a kitchen bathroom and bed!!!! now i'm not sure if the concept of an 8m2 apt is really sinking in...8m is about the length of a twin bed ...but to see how neatly stacked everything was and how the space was created was quite interesting....the bed was raised and a table placed on it..the kitchen ...a little burner on a small cupboard and a little sink...the toilet and shower cordoned off literally stepping from the shower into the toilet..I could never have imagined that before my visit here and that it could have vaguely looked quite liveable! I have heard many such stories since living here...and you really have to be lucky or really know the market to get anywhere with real space that is affordable long term...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Whats going on with French Music??

Boarding the plane leaving behind the sounds of my island and the great pop tunes that play non stop on ZIP FM.....SCREEEECH......Arrive in france and get in a taxi cab....fumbling with terrible french pronounciation and a sheet of letter sized printer paper with the address of my hotel on simply say...Bonjour...Je vais aller la ( Im going to go there) while pointing at the address printed....QUOI (what)?? simply resigning myself to saying la....ahhh recognition.....on our way....I ask "parlez vous francais?" but yet still coming from the radio are very familar sounds and non stop american and english tunes.....hmmmm....this is interesting....

My first proper night out with some french friends from Lyon.....we end up at this spot in Bastille....we step "I`ve got a feeling that tonight`s gonna be a good night.....that tonight's gonna be a good good night" blasting from the speakers.....interesting I thought...not hearing one french song for the entire night....I could have been in Jamaica at Fiction (minus the dutty wine of course), in Trinidad at club Zen 5minus the dutty wine and Bunji), In Hamilton NY, in Florida, but I was in France...Are the French losing their culture?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Updated! The Most Popular Musings are now available in French and Spanish :)

In an attempt to be more inclusive I've updated the blog! The most popular blogs are now available in French and Spanish as seperate pages!!!! Thanks for the support and more updates to come :)

La Grève

On l'appelle la Grève !!!!! Il arrive tous les jours ici en France .... STRIKE!! C'est littéralement un mode de vie .... mais les élèves du secondaire de décider d'appeler un Grève pour les 2 mois en raison d'une décision d'expulser les admins un camarade ..... est-ce aller trop loin? Est-ce dans le meilleur intérêt de la société

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Greve!! Part 1 ..... Students take to the streets

It's called the Grève!!!!! It happens everyday here in France....STRIKE!!!! It's literally a way of life....but high school students deciding to call a Grève for 2 months because of an admins decision to expel a fellow this going too far? Is this in the best interest of society?

Young people are of course very capable of processing their realities, but many dont take the time to really think through the consequences of such decisions....why not opt for some extra days at home....given the opportunity?