Thursday, April 8, 2010

Whats going on with French Music??

Boarding the plane leaving behind the sounds of my island and the great pop tunes that play non stop on ZIP FM.....SCREEEECH......Arrive in france and get in a taxi cab....fumbling with terrible french pronounciation and a sheet of letter sized printer paper with the address of my hotel on simply say...Bonjour...Je vais aller la ( Im going to go there) while pointing at the address printed....QUOI (what)?? simply resigning myself to saying la....ahhh recognition.....on our way....I ask "parlez vous francais?" but yet still coming from the radio are very familar sounds and non stop american and english tunes.....hmmmm....this is interesting....

My first proper night out with some french friends from Lyon.....we end up at this spot in Bastille....we step "I`ve got a feeling that tonight`s gonna be a good night.....that tonight's gonna be a good good night" blasting from the speakers.....interesting I thought...not hearing one french song for the entire night....I could have been in Jamaica at Fiction (minus the dutty wine of course), in Trinidad at club Zen 5minus the dutty wine and Bunji), In Hamilton NY, in Florida, but I was in France...Are the French losing their culture?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it is that they believe music is universal. Nevertheless,our words are seeping into the psyche of the French. There is a theory that music can be reduced to beats. Maybe the culture that fosters rebellions and strikes have the same root as the culture. Maybe we are in fact 'one world one people'.
