Monday, March 22, 2010

Punch line a bit general???

Charity campaign in German airport.....I think the punch line is a bit general to say the least.....


  1. Its general but it really does get the point jumps out at you. If it didnt say that then the modus operandi would continue " think White"

  2. But do we want to associate thinking black with giving to charity??

  3. hi steffi, I agree with you... think black does not work for me.

  4. think black could mea...what the little boys could be Obama
    or think black could mean boys in need like orphans in Haiti, Sudan,...
    it is all a matter of perspective.
    on different days I will see it in different ways.

  5. I think that line is unfortunate! A racial generalisation that black people are always on the receiving end of charity. Doesn't work for me

  6. Not very politically correct, there would be a wave of criticism if that Ad was in the United States.

  7. i think that the 'black' is general...if they wanted to be specific they would was rather offensive to me giving that I live in that skin...

  8. Reading only the two English words leads to a false impression (I assume this was meant for German speakers). The first part reads something like, "Do you know what the opposite of seeing Black is?" Then "Think Black," which I assume is a call for empathy. Then, "thinking alone doesn't help." It isn't as simplistic as the two English words imply. Though I have no idea what the charity is--do you?

  9. I agree with you that the context is important...however it was in an international airport..and so ambigious...most people coming in on easyjet never spoke German...and were giving based on the tag Think Black...

    I'm inclined to say that it is quite a controversial strategy for gaining aid...and as you pointed out...we're not certain what the charity really is...

    BUT maybe it could be in the fight against "the opposite of thinking black"....maybe??
