Sunday, March 21, 2010

The French Jam Down Linkeage

Its really true that Jamaicans can be found everywhere in the world. We seem to be specialists of exploration and assimilation of other cultures. Its quite interesting just how deep the network of Jamaicans is in Paris as everyday a Jamaican tells me ...oh Ive met another Jamaican...or mentions a so and so who is Jamaican or married to a Jamaican.

Many Jamaicans are highly succesful outside of Jamaica, some who may not have had the opportunities in JA which they have found abroad....

It begs the question of .... is an expanding diaspora a good thing or a bad thing for the country itself ?...should we be celebrating the diaspora more or are persons belonging to the diaspora too far removed from our reality that there is resentment at their success or maybe a kind of feeling of superiority if one has been more succesful in the Jamaican context?

Is the Jamaican context more hostile than the international context??


  1. I am all for training labour for export, as long as the returns justify the effort

  2. Jamaicans can be found anywhere except in Toulouse! I'm yet to meet another Jamaican living here :(

    An expanding diaspora can be a good thing IF the Jamaican govt would capitalise on it. Jamaicans are always migrating & JA is suffering from serious Brain Drain. If the govt would implement partnerships and programs where Jamaicans can go abroad, train and acquire skills and THEN hav some of the profits return to JA then an expanding diaspora is great!

    This is not the case, however. Jcans are leaving and never looking back!

  3. Thats true...Labour for export is good. and when Jamaican do well we all feel proud...but what does this mean for Jamaica? Brain drain is a serious issue. IN 20 years will be all be in different corners of the world and where will out beloved Jamaica be???

  4. I believe in this era of globalization every soverign nation has a diaspora. However, not many nations are as reliant on their diaspora as Jamaica is currently. Remittances make up the bulk of our foreign investment and arguably rival Tourism, manufacturing and agriculture in its contribution to the country's GDP.
    The government needs a more formalized structure however to monitor its nationals abroad. We are not sure where remittances go or how effectively they are introduced into the domestic economy. I for one think it is in a state's best interest to encourage migration to more developed nations but at the same time should find some way of contractually ensuring those nationals either return or contribute finances to a global Jamaica Fund. Its a start of course and it builds upon the notion that Jamaicans everywhere still believe in the potential of Jamaica at home.

  5. Met some random Jamicans on holiday at lunch in a kebab resturant in Pantin....very was at school in madrid and the other two were living in the US....

  6. A growing EDUCATED diaspora cant be too much of a bad thing economically look at what remittances do for Jamaica.I believe it patches the household balance sheet but I also think it fuels an unsustainable consumer lifestyle which generates a false demand and restarts a cycle that mainly demands imported goods. Then again, in cases of disaster its the diaspora again that you can count on for immediate and long term household aid look at Haiti or even Jamaica after a hurricane its the extended family outside of the country that rebuilds the community not the decrease in taxes on cement.

    In relation to culture, again, it can't be too much of a bad thing, as having Jamaicans abroad helps to kill the stereotype of us all being Rastafarian and playing football all day on the beach. At this stage, there are perhaps rear cases of pure culture.Culture is always changing to reflect the needs of the community as well as to sustain it, so if the french get a little jamaicanified that may not be too bad of a thing plus Sarko needs to relax sometimes.

    Living outside of the country of your birth is a personal decision, usually motivated by economic reasons or some higher calling like love or passion ...the way you manage your success is also a personal one if it becomes a problem for someone that is exactly what it is, their problem...

    Ok Stef I want us to remain friends I am gonna go now..Big Love

  7. lolol.....thanks nicole dearest...of course I love the fact that you responded! and I think your views are great! Talk up da tings dem my girl!!! talk dem up!!!! Everyone has a right to his or her opinion on any issue!
