Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Life is all about perspective...

Life is all about what we make of it....very simple and maybe too simple ...but i believe we look at our situation can make a big difference to our happiness and to how we relate to others.

It can't be about comparing ourselves to a given standard....because with all of our immense differences how can there truly be an adequate measure...if you're lonely...think of it as time to reflect....if you're least you have lots to do....if you've failed an can do it over...its probably better than just barely passing and not truly have the opportunity to properly learn the subject matter....if you can't have kids....there is adoption, and many kids need parents...if you're unemployed..maybe time to start your own business????


  1. true true...i have always thought that our quality of life can be based on a simple reflection: 'is your cup half empty or half full'

  2. great outlook on life!! speak to you soon!
