Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Question of Old Age Homes

So a friend of mine in the Salle de Professors just asked me if in Jamaica its very usual to place senior citizens in old age homes. It is a usual occurance in France. We don't.... but i'm not so certain about the reason for this.

Is it a case that most of the population can't afford to, or is it that we care so much about our elderly that we decide we need to personally take care of them? Is it that we are more altruistic than the French? Is this in fact in the best interest of our older folks?


  1. I think its tradition and our herritage....many Afican great respect and love for those who are older. We put them in pride of place in our homes...because we respect them for their wisdom and knowledge.....
    Maybe in France...they jus wanna get them out of the way.

  2. I believe it has to do with socialization and culture. In our social space some parents have many children to be" old age pension". That is one extreme the other is total independence, the busy life, the nomadic life of the more developed societies that does not lend itself to pulling aged parents alon, till it is no longer expected.

  3. It is a matter of lifestyle many in the USA find it easier to put their aging parents in nursing homes or ALFS. This gives them the freedom to travel, work, take care of grand children. For some it is a difficult decision but for the rest it is the only thing to do and this done even if the aging parents sometimes wish to stay in their own homes.

  4. Bon, c'est une question trop difficile et trop complexe... Tout d'abord, j'essaierai de ne pas juger les opinions des autres... je crois que chacun vit une situation différente et qu'il est toujours difficile de généraliser... De toutes façons, je crois que la nouvelle société et le style de vie moderne ont un rôle très important... I mean on travaille touuuut le temps, alors, il devient difficile de s'occuper aussi des grand parents... Dans mon cas, ils ont vécu à la maison avec nous, mais je peux comprendre qu'il y ait beaucoup de familles qui préfèrent de les laisser dans une institution, parce qu'ils n'ont pas le temps, ni les moyens, ni le choix...
    Ma mère a travaillé pendant 5 ans comme aide soignante dans un hôpital gériatrique, et elle a vu beaucoup de cas différents: il y avait des familles qui n'allaient jamais visiter leurs parents, mais il y en avait aussi qui y allaient tous les jours... En tout cas, c'est claire que si on est pas capables de faire nos vies parce qu'on est tout le temps en train de travailler... on a un problème, il y a quelque chose qui ne marche pas bien.

  5. Thank you for your message lia! I guess it does depend on the individual situation...and one really can't judge because each person's life is different...

  6. This is the most interesting of your posts, Steff. It speaks to something specific and avoids platitudes.

  7. k....I'll keep that in mind...and aim to be more specific in future posts! Thank you :)

  8. I think they are all good posts some people may not have any comments or need to discuss each post but it gives readers a different perspective of what is out there in the world that one may never have thought about. It will give people a chance to think about something other than the usual topics or the topics everyone discusses.
